Query name: arireg.ettevotjaMuudatusedTasuline_v1
Additional information: in use as of 01.05.2017
XSD: http://www2.rik.ee/schemas/xtee6/arireg/live/xroad6_ettevotjaMuudatusedTasuline_v1.xsd
Attention! From September 1, 2023, the service will have changes due to the amendment of the law:
- Shareholders of private limited companies and members of building societies are entered on the register card. In order for the new version of the service would not have to be introduced, the data is issued from the same data fields as before, i.e. under personal data -> applicable_persons and building association_members.
- From now on, users of the service must take into account that 2 roles are used for partners: O and OSAN,
- A person is in the role of "O" if it is a shareholder who is not recorded on the register card (shares are registered in NASDAQ or the limited company has waived the form requirement for the transfer and pledging of the share).
- The role of "OSAN" means that the partner is entered on the register card.
- In addition, the role of the member of the building society will also change. Instead of the H role, a person with the HUL role will be entered.
- In the company data change list, the changes made with OSAN and HUL roles will also be issued there in the future. It is issued in the same way as before, i.e. when the OSAN changes, it is announced that something has changed in the persons outside of entry of this association, and the content of the change can be further inquired by requesting detailed data.
- Please take into account that on September 1 there will be a very large amount of changes related to the corresponding entries, please ensure that the requests made do not exceed the allowed number of requests, so as not to overload the systems. Data of shareholders will also be published as open data file.
- The narrowings are also issued in the same way as previously in the osapandid_conditional_forwarding block. It must be taken into account that new types of narrowing are added.
- AM - Arrest Note (Arestimärge)
- PL - Pledge Agreement (Pandileping)
- KM - Prohibition notice (Keelumärge)
- OP - Share pledge (Osa pant)
- TV- Conditional transfer (Tingimuslik võõrandamine)
- VV - Objection (vastuväide)
- Due to the changes, there may be short-term service failures in the period 31.08-1.09.
Input parameters / search variables:
Name |
Meaning |
Notes |
ariregister_kasutajanimi |
e-Business Register user name |
ariregister_parool |
e-Business Register password |
kuupaev |
Date of making changes |
Required parameter (format yyyy-mm-dd) |
tulemuste_lk | Result page number | The maximum number of changes per one page is 500, if there are more results then another query with the next page number will show the next 500 results. |
Output data:
- A list of companies, the data of which have been changed within the period
- Registry code of the company
- Business name of the company
- Legal form of the company
- In which data group did the change occur:
- Non-entered persons
- Means of communication
- Fields of activity
- Entries made within the period
- Registry card area on which the change was made
- Change on which card (A, B, MTÜ, SA or commercial pledge card)
- Number of the registry card on which the change was made
- Entry number on the registry card
- Entry type as classifier
- Entry type in words
- Which data on the card were changed (either personal data or general data)
Sample query:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xro="http://x-road.eu/xsd/xroad.xsd" xmlns:iden="http://x-road.eu/xsd/identifiers" xmlns:prod="http://arireg.x-road.eu/producer/">
Sample request:
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ZSI="http://www.zolera.com/schemas/ZSI/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<SOAP-ENV:Body xmlns:ns1="http://arireg.x-road.eu/producer/">
<ns1:arinimi>SPINT OÜ</ns1:arinimi>
<ns1:arinimi>Katrin & Tiina UÜ</ns1:arinimi>
<ns1:arinimi>MTÜ Tapupera</ns1:arinimi>